Literacy Development – Educators and parents understand that literacy is the foundation for academic success. Students must also have strong communication skills to do well in school. Students learn by reading books and other texts, but they also learn by listening to knowledgeable speakers, participating in discussions, and writing reports and essays on important topics.
From the start of school, students must be taught different ways of using language to help them learn and communicate about academic content. This means reading and listening with understanding. It means using facts and evidence to reason and build strong verbal and written arguments. This brief discusses two areas of literacy development that students need to learn in order to do well in school:
Literacy Development
But many students struggle despite these efforts. For these students, teaching and practice should be targeted to address their difficulties as early as possible.
Course #504 The Threads Of Reading: Strategies For Literacy Development
Some words that are rarely used in everyday conversation are commonly used in academic settings. Learning the meaning of academic vocabulary is essential to understanding and applying new content. Some academic words (eg “democracy”) and phrases (eg “democracy in action”) should be studied intensively over time. In this way, the students learn new vocabulary thoroughly and experience how crucial knowledge of words and concepts is for learning. The students must also learn that
Language used in school settings is different from the way it is used in everyday conversation. This awareness includes learning how different subjects such as science, social studies and mathematics often have their own conventions for conveying academic content.
Learning academic language also requires explicit teaching, time and practice. Students must receive instruction and feedback in the use of academic language across school subjects. They should also have plenty of time to talk and write about what they learn in each of these subjects.
Teaching students basic reading skills and academic language should go hand in hand. Progress in reading and progress in academic language will influence each other. Knowing how to achieve this balance is part of effective teaching. Effective teaching also requires knowing when and how to make adjustments for students who struggle because of dyslexia or other literacy-related disabilities and difficulties.
Using The “road To Reading Infographic” To Guide Assessment Of And Intervention For Foundational Literacy Skills
Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Office of Special Education Programs, National Center on Improving Literacy. Retrieved from http://
Baker, S.K., Lesaux, N., Jayanthi, M., Dimino, J., Proctor, C.P., Morris, J., Gersten, R., Haymond, K., Kieffer, M.J., Linan-Thompson, S., & Newman-Gonchar, R. (2014).
(NCEE 2014-4012). Washington, DC: National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance (NCEE), Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved from NCEE website:
Foorman, B., Beyler, N., Borradaile, K., Coyne, M., Denton, C. A., Dimino, J., Furgeson, J., Hayes, L., Henke, J., Justice, L., Keating . , B., Lewis, W., Sattar, S., Streke, A., Wagner, R., & Wissel, S. (2016).
Academic Literacy Development: Perspectives On Multilingual Scholars’ Approaches To Writing
(NCEE 2016-4008). Washington, DC: National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance (NCEE), Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved from NCEE website:
Snow, C. E., Burns, M. S., & Griffin, P. (Eds.) (1998). Prevention of reading difficulties in young children. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
Reading skills provide the foundation for academic success. From the start of school, students must be taught different ways of using language to help them learn and communicate about academic content. This brief discusses two areas of literacy development that students need to learn in order to do well in school:
The research reported here was funded by awards to the National Center on Improving Literacy from the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, in cooperation with the Office of Special Education Programs (Award #: S283D160003). The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not represent the views of OESE, OSEP, or the US Department of Education. Copyright © 2023 National Center on Improving Literacy. Literacy development is the process of learning words, sounds, and language. Children develop literacy skills to learn to read and write confidently and eventually improve their overall communication skills. The stages of literacy development that a child goes through can vary depending on the child’s comprehension levels, but generally include the same key concepts along the way. Understanding children’s literacy development as an educator is key to helping children master these core skills that set them up for their education. With an understanding of literacy development and how to address each of the stages of literacy development, educators and students alike will be set up for success in the classroom.
Early Literacy Development — Quality Care For Children
As the pillars of language and literacy, literacy development is a crucial time in a child’s life. Educators need to understand why literacy development is so important to effectively assist children at each stage of their early literacy development.
As a child gets older and demonstrates the key stages of literacy development, it will improve their literacy skills. The five stages of literacy development include emergent literacy, alphabetic fluency, words and patterns, intermediate reading, and advanced reading. Each stage of literacy development helps the child progress and become a stronger learner. Keep in mind that a child’s current age group does not necessarily mean they are at that stage in their early literacy development.
As the earliest stage of literacy development, emergent literacy is the first moment when a child begins to understand letters and words. Although many of the behaviors in the emergent literacy stage are not fully developed and irregular, these are still some of the first signs that a child is beginning to form literacy skills.
To learn useful strategies for supporting new readers by helping them understand what alphabet knowledge and phonological awareness are and why they are both so critically important, watch this free webinar, 5 Key Strategies for Effectively Teaching Letters and Sounds .
Literacy Development: The 5 Stages For Developing Literacy
As the child gets older and more comfortable learning their words and letters, they enter the alphabetic fluency stage of literacy development.
Sometimes called the “transitional stage” of literacy development, the word and pattern stage is when children begin to develop stronger reading skills. This is the stage where children can vary most in terms of skills and can adopt behaviors in multiple stages of literacy development.
During the intermediate stage of literacy development, children begin to rely less on educational crutches that help a child learn new words. This is also when children become able to write out sentences with fewer errors and generally develop stronger fluency.
As the final stage in literacy development, advanced reading is when children become fully fluent and able to rely on independent reading to learn new information. Reading and writing present little difficulty, and students can absorb complex reading material during this stage.
Skills And Academic Literacy Approaches To Research Training.
Each stage of literacy development presents its own unique challenges and triumphs in learning to become confident in reading and writing. Learning Without Tears specializes in early childhood development programs that help further progress within the stages of literacy development. Learning Without Tears offers a wide range of educational materials to help teachers create an engaging lesson plan that gets kids excited to learn more. With resources for parents to get children into school and programs for teachers to teach early literacy concepts, Learning Without Tears is committed to helping children become confident learners. Learning Without Tears has created resources and educational materials for children in pre-k through 5th grade to help students succeed at all stages of literacy development and early childhood education. Explore Learning Without Tears to help kids get the most out of their education today.
Seamlessly bring the ABCs to life while building basic reading skills with our new letter book series. Each of our illustrated letter books introduces a letter of the alphabet and emphasizes their associated sound through captivating, visual stories. The engaging stories in each book capture children’s imaginations and expose them to social-emotional skills and different cultures.
Ask the Experts, Teaching Tips, Multisensory Learning, Readiness Pint-Sized Book Writers: Using Early Readers as Mentor Texts Sep 10, 2021 0 3 min.
Ask the Experts, Teaching Tips, Multi-Sensory Learning, Readiness, Home Connection Why is Literacy Development Important for Children? 17 June 2021 0 4 min
Early Literacy Skills And How To Build Them
Ask the experts, teaching tips, multisensory learning, readiness, home connection Name letters are not a straight path to literacy: Here’s why April 15, 2021 4 2 minutes From the earliest hums and babbles, to the first spoken word, to the explosion of language and increasingly complex sentences, to a child’s first attempt at writing, the first five years of life are an exciting time for children’s language and early literacy development.
Beginning in childhood, early childhood professionals can help create the foundation for children to become successful readers and communicators by:
The videos and resources below illustrate these and other strategies and ideas for supporting young children’s language development and early literacy.
In this video from the Reflection from the Field series, kindergarten teacher Maureen Ostroff shares her strategies for improving children’s vocabulary when introducing new books, revisiting the story, and incorporating vocabulary from the story into other parts of the classroom.
Buy Learn To Write Words Language And Literacy Development
In these “Reflections in the Field” videos, infant/toddler teacher Heather Mulrooney describes how she uses various
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