Online Course Questionnaire – If you teach online or e-learning courses, you need to get regular feedback from your students so you can make their online experience more rewarding. This student questionnaire can help you receive the feedback you need. If you use or modify any part of the document, please inform the author so that he can improve the questionnaire.
If you teach online or e-learning courses, you need to get regular feedback from your students so you can make their online experience more rewarding. This question from students…
Online Course Questionnaire
Prepared by Clayton R. Wright, crwr77[at] In an effort to improve the quality of the courses and services we provide through distance delivery, we seek your feedback. We ask all students to volunteer their time to complete the survey. All answers will remain
Online Course Questionnaire: Institutional Research: Academic Affairs: Indiana University South Bend
Are linked to any of the statements you may have made in response to questions included in this survey. The survey should take about 15-20 minutes of your time. For open-ended questions, point-form answers are preferred. Please complete the survey and submit for xxx. If necessary, indicate whether you strongly agree (SA), agree (A), disagree (D), or disagree (SD) with the statements provided in this questionnaire. Mark not applicable (NA) if the statement does not apply to your situation. Thank you for completing the survey. If you have any questions, please contact XXX.
Where do you live? In the city ___ In a city away from the main campus ___ In a rural area ___ In an international setting ___
Please indicate your highest level of education: High School ___ Certificate ___ Diploma ___ Bachelor¶ degree ___ Master¶ degree ___ Doctorate ___
Are you comfortable with technology? Do you consider yourself technologically savvy? Yes ___ Sometimes ___ Not at all ___
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The course activities helped me examine problems, evaluate new ideas, and apply what I learned.
Do you need to get additional material to complete the course? Yes ___ No ___ If so, what materials or resources did you need?
Were parts of the course particularly difficult or confusing? Yes ___ No ___ If yes, list what they were and explain why they were difficult or confusing?
Assignments and tests were marked and returned promptly.
Ten Strategies For A Successful Transition To Remote Learning: Lessons Learned With A Flipped Course
How often do you have contact with your supervisor or instructor during the course? Not at all ___1-5 times ___ 6-10 times ___ 11-15 times ___ More than 15 times ___
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