What Online Course Providers Are You Aware Of – 8 Ivy League schools are among the most prestigious universities in the world. They consist of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Brown and the University of Pennsylvania.
In 2023, all 8 Ivy League schools ranked in the top 20 of the US News & World Report national university rankings. As you can imagine, these institutions are very selective and very difficult to get into.
What Online Course Providers Are You Aware Of
The good news is that they all offer a free online course. In this article, I used the Class Central database to compile these courses for you. In total, Ivy League schools currently offer over 850 courses, with a combined enrollment of 40 million.
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Last week I shared a list of free developer certifications. As it happens, an Ivy League school also made the list: Harvard, which offers free certificates in computer science, Python, AI… You can find all the details here: 1000+ Free Certificates for Developers.
To make the compilation below a little easier to navigate, I’ve broken it down by course subject. You can click on a topic to go to the corresponding courses:
I have also posted a collection of Class Class online courses for the Ivy League. This collection is automatically updated as new courses are published. If you want to be notified of new Ivy League courses, you can “Follow” the collection.
Keep in mind that figuring out how to revise a course for free on platforms like Coursera can be a bit confusing. So my colleague Pat and I wrote a special guide: How to sign up for Coursera courses for free.
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